An Oil-Free Galway by 2030

09 An Oil-Free Galway by 2030 -Galway Energy Agency, Local and National Policy Makers, SEAI, NUIG, GMIT, Chamber of Commerce

Galway City would be an exemplar city and test bed for different technologies and approaches by becoming oil-free by 2030. The government of Sweden proposed a similar programme in 2006 for their entire country to be oil-free by 2020. A special unit within SEAI (Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland) could be set up to implement this ambitious transformation. This programme would involve SEAI liaising with representatives from local government, NUIG, GMIT, local NGOs and the Minister for Energy. Sufficient funding and fiscal incentives would come from the state and the EU. Many solutions outlined in this document would be implemented. As well as providing an example for other small cities around the globe to emulate, there would be significant job creation and tourism potential.
Commission on Oil Independence, Government of Sweden