A Flourishing Terryland Forest Park

Local and National Policy Makers

Terryland Forest Park
Terryland Forest Park

As a result of community campaigning, Terryland Forest Park (The People’s Park) was established in 2000 as a large urban forest in the heart of the city. By 2030, our vision would be to have the Terryland Forest Park:
– serve as a major ecological corridor connecting Lough Corrib with the rural hinterland of Galway city
– become a major outdoor classroom for the schools of Galway city as well as visiting educational groups
– function as an outdoor laboratory for NUI Galway and other third-level research centres
– become an important carbon sink for the region
– include within its boundaries a forest of 500,000 native Irish trees (from the present 90,000 trees)
– be recognised as a National Heritage Area (NHA)
– serve as a major leisure amenity for the people of Galway and visitors
– serve as the hub of a network of countywide cycle and walking trails
– include an interpretative forest or waterways visitors centre complete with a natural amphitheatre for performance arts, a heritage skills educational facility, a tree nursery, a gallery and a café

Friends of Terryland Forest Park, Galway